Morning Service | 10:45 AM
Informal Bible Study | 7:00 PM
Evening Service | 6:30 PM
Women's Study | 10:00 AM
Pastor Anthony's book:
CAESAR AND THE CHURCH takes us on a brief overview through the biblical teaching on authority, and in particular how it relates to the relationship between Caesar (that is, civil government) and the Church.
“Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth.”
[John 17:17]
Calvary Baptist Church of Burbank, California is a Jesus Christ exalting, Bible-focused fellowship of ministers - believers indwelt by the Holy Spirit, equipped by Bible teaching to serve one another. We seek to praise and honor the Triune God above all else, in a world that increasingly denies Him. We are committed to the clear, passionate, in-depth yet accessible, understandable yet uncompromised teaching of the Bible in context to equip the saints for the work of ministry thus making the Christian walk more understandable and attainable in a confusing world. We desire to be a place where we can come together for mutual support, encouragement and help as we seek to grow in our walking in the Spirit.
Join us as we seek to know Jesus Christ intimately, obey Him unreservedly,
proclaim His salvation boldly, and glorify Him fully in every area of our lives.
We are based in the city of Burbank, Los Angeles County, California, and have been here for over 75 years. Burbank is often known as "Media City" or "the media capital of the world," being the home of so much of the entertainment industry. We are very close to Universal Studios and Warner Brothers Studios and only a mile from Burbank Town Center. We are just a few miles outside of both Hollywood and downtown Los Angeles, California. In an area where so much can be shallow, external, worldy, and just downright ungodly, our church seeks to be a beacon of light to the community of Los Angeles and beyond.
We are a Bible teaching church, predominantly teaching verse by verse through books of the Bible. It is our goal to teach the Bible accurately and in context, recognizing and respecting it as God's inerrant word to us, today as much as ever. Our goal is for the teaching to be in depth and yet to be accessible - to be understandable and yet not overly simplified. There is so much depth to the Bible and we don't want to ignore it, merely skimming over the surface, but rather we want to get as much meat off the bone as we can, so to speak. We use words like "exegetical" (taking doctrine out of the Bible, rather than imposing our predetermined beliefs into the Bible) and "expository" (taking a verse by verse approach to teaching rather than predominately teaching topically) to describe our type of Bible teaching.
In Ephesians 4, the apostle Paul speaks of what a church should look like - the saints (Christians) being equipped by gospel preaching and Bible teaching thus enabling them to do the work of ministry (serving one another in love). Then, as the equipped believers serve / minister to one another, we all together mature into the likeness of Christ.
This then is why we place such emphasis on the teaching of the Bible here at Calvary Baptist Church Burbank - without it we cannot be equipped for ministry, and without effective ministry we cannot mature and become more like Jesus. The teaching of the Bible is essential for our spiritual growth, as is our communal ministry.

So we invite you to one of the best churches in Burbank, California. Come and make Calvary Baptist Church of Burbank your spiritual home - to come and be equipped by the teaching of the Bible, to minister to others and to be ministered to by others so that we might all grow into maturity together becoming ever more Christ like.